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PaperSwift Risk Management Software

Easy to use
Cost effective

What is PaperSwift?

PaperSwift is an electronic claims and incident system for Loss Adjustors and Claims Managers. PaperSwift is an online system, designed to be managed and accessed though an Internet browser. This makes the system easy for us to configure and install to suit your specific business operation.

Claims data and documents can be automated, shared, and updated confidentially, either over the Internet or within an organisation’s intranet. Multi-level access means that users only see information appropriate to their role. This low cost and flexibly priced solution is fully scaleable, and can be used for an organisation of any size

To discuss your requirements further please e-mail us.

Benefits of PaperSwift:

Ease of use
PaperSwift is very easy to use. Fewer support calls leave you free to concentrate on service and driving down the claims-processing life cycle. Only a web browser is required for access.Users require no technical knowledge and little or no instruction.

Speed of configuration
PaperSwift screens can be configured to your needs and changes delivered quickly, even within hours of our being instructed.

Managed transparency of operation
Users can only see those claims with which they are concerned. Then within the following views, only those items of data relevent to the user will be available to be edited, or viewed:
  - claim index
  - claim index as a spreadsheet
  - claim details
  - payments and expenses
  - diary log entries with chase-dates
  - detailed audit trail
  - reports
  - documents, pictures, video-clips, dictation

Screen labels can be rendered in the preferred language of the user. 

Facilitates timeliness
Documents and updates are made available immediately, driving down the claim life-cycle reducing costs.
With the new RSS feed facility, users can be kept up to date with changes in real time.

Reduces interruptions
Users can view aspects of claims in progress without resorting to telephoning.

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Customer Quotes

Bateman Chapman
Luke Smallman of Bateman Chapman says, "We looked at other systems prior to making the decision to buy PaperSwift but they needed a large and unacceptable degree of customisation. PaperSwift was already configured for loss adjusters so we were able to install it more or less off the shelf’. PaperSwift does everything we want it to do and our decision to integrate it into our claims management system has undoubtedly helped give us an even more competitive edge".

Studio Bolton
William Bolton head of Studio Bolton says, "We selected PaperSwift after examining its capabilities in the London offices of an associated loss adjuster Equijust. We particularly liked the fact that it could be customised to meet our requirements precisely and we are more than happy with our choice".


Enables remote raising of claims
PaperSwift makes it simple for users to notify claims over the Internet for processing by adminstrators. Marked as 'pending' by the system, administrator can approve the data before releasing the claim for general view.

Logging of changes
All changes to any claims data can be logged to an audit trail. At the highest audit level which can be set for a field, the user is obliged to enter the reason for the change made before saving the data.

Helps you prioritise
Users can customise their 'home page' with a filtered view of claims which appears upon login. Due and overdue diary entries are automatically displayed for action.

Stores files

Document, diagram, picture, and movie files can be uploaded using only a browser from anywhere in the world.

Diary entries - manual and system generated
PaperSwift can generate follow-up diary dates automatically upon certain key actions such as uploading the Initial Advice and then provide periodic reminders to claims handlers to ensure compliance with the Woolf reforms. Unlimited manual diary entries can be also made against claims with corresponding chase-dates.

RSS ** NEW **
PaperSwift can now offer RSS feeds. Using a simple RSS browser, users can be alerted when new claims, new documents, or new claims-criteria arise in real time.

PaperSwift uses .NET compliant technology and can communicate with other systems to send and receive updates and documents.


Multi-level access by username and password
The claims which a given user can see, and the information associated with those claims depends upon the access-rights of the user.

SSL Encryption
Depending upon the specification required, username & password entry (or the entire site) can be accessed over a secure (SSL) connection.

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